Pests entering your home place can get dangerous. There are few pests, if not taken care of, can prove fatal to human life. Many pests cause allergies that become chronic after some time. You cannot get rid of pests permanently, but there are few tips that can help you get rid of few common pests for a good amount of time.
Following are few points that can assist you in stopping pests from entering your home:
Clear Your Trash Daily
Household chores contribute to trash almost on a daily basis. Common pests such as rodents and roaches survive on it. Despite constant use of pesticides, these pests enter your house from anyplace. It is, thus, important for everyone to keep the trash cans empty and throw the garbage at its appropriate place on a daily basis.
Maintain Your Home or Terrace Garden
Gardens are main hotspots of pests. Bugs, roaches, rodents and other pests breed mostly in such swampy areas. Maintain the muddy areas, use appropriate drainage system and manage the grass levels to avoid pest breeding in your garden area. Most of the home-owners pay very little attention to their garden areas. If this place is regularly maintained, you can live away from pests stress.
Call for Pest Control Services
Pest problems arise due to lack of pest control services. Whether or not you maintain hygiene, calling for pest control at home should be a mandatory action. Pest control professionals know multiple ways to prevent pests entering your home place. You can also customize your pest control plans according to your need. There are herbal pest control options too in case you are not comfortable with the use of chemicals.
Seal All The Outlets
Most of the outlets develop cracks and minor openings due to over exposure to the outside environment. This can bring in a lot of pests from such places. Seal the cracks and fill unnecessary openings to stop the entry of pests. When the cracks are sealed, this can also prevent termite growth. Leave no gaps between the doors and windows. Pests like lizards and rodents stop entering from such holes and spaces.
Make Way For Sunlight
Every home needs proper ventilation. Make your home structure such that every room gets appropriate sunlight. Solar power, at times, is enough to prevent the growth of certain pests. Solar light also kills certain types of bacteria. Proper ventilation and sunlight keep your home dry and this restricts the growth of certain pests. Modern day architecture give your enough scope to make room for sunlight and proper ventilation.
Keep the Food Covered
Do not think that food kept in refrigerator is hygienic. You have to clean your refrigerator too to avoid small roaches breeding at its doors. The food kept on the table and other places must be covered throughout. Any leftover must be immediately kept in the refrigerator. Do not leave open any food jar. Keep all the food jars tightly closed after use. You never know which pest is breeding where. Clean any spill-overs near or in the dining area and table every time post a meal.
Having followed the above tips and other instructions at websites such as will prevent certain common pests from entering your place. There are certain additional tips like using vinegar as an alternative to chemical pesticides, adding mosquito-screens, removing standing water and keeping your bathroom and washroom clean you can use to get rid of common pests.
There are many online sites that help in finding out different ways to restrict entry of pests on your house.