How to Detect and Eliminate Termites- A Comprehensive Guide

Termite infestation is quite common in Belleville, as you would find it in any other place. If you are a resident, you should educate yourself about their activities in order to remain cautious at all times. If the infestation does take place in your house, then you should know about different methods that you employ in order to get rid of them. 

Some signs that you might have these sneaky creatures at your place can be creaking sounds from your furniture, a door not being able to close correctly because termites might be feeding on it from inside, etc. Once these little creatures make it to your place, it can be hard to get rid of them as they are tiny in size and usually infest homes in large numbers. 

You may need help from a professional in such scenarios. There are some DIY methods to get them off your property, but they may not remain effective for too long. Exterminator Services in Belleville can help you get rid of them, and they would also ensure that techniques are employed that will help keep them away. However, please get the inspection done once in a while to be on the safer side. 

How can you identify different signs of termite infestation?

There are different insects that destroy wood that you can easily detect around the home, though that is not the case with termites. They invade homes silently, and you might not realize that they are on your property until much damage is done. 

It usually takes about 3-8 years before you can actually recognize their infestation; their infestation is silent and not apparent. They must have already caused a lot of damage until you finally come to realize it. There are some subtle signs that should start with and then go for the obvious signs; we will discuss some of them briefly here:

  • Finding mud tunnels:

Look for mud tunnels or tubes that show their infestation. This is how they transport food from your place to their colonies. The tunnels might be in the form of clay-like structures that extend all the way to your basement and crawl spaces around your house. However, they can also infest areas that might be located high up, such as roofs or attics.  

  • Locating swarmers or alates around the house:

Look for the alates at the entry points in your house, near the windows and doors of the home. Alates are sexually mature and come out twice a year in search of a mate to be able to reproduce and create colonies. If you find swarmers around your house, do not overlook them; get in touch with a professional. 

  • Blistered woods inside the house:

If you find darkened wood items or simply wood, that can again be a sign of termite infestation. It can indicate that termites are present underneath that wood. They will make the structure weak over time, and they are attracted to moisture as well.

How can you prevent termite infestation?

There are several things that you can do to prevent termite infestation; let us look at some of them:

  • Keep the woods away from your home, and throw the rotten woods carefully, as they can attract termites.
  • Moisture content should be checked to ensure there is not much of it. Make use of dehumidifiers and silica to control moisture.
  • Do not let the woods get in contact with soil; make use of river rock and other things to control it. 

Get rid of termites today!

It is essential that you get an inspection done by professionals to ensure that termites are not around. If you notice any early signs, do not wait for it to become worse, and contact a professional in Belleville. It can cost you a lot if you ignore the signs and do not pay attention to the infestation from the beginning.